For the first time since our inception the congregation decided to appreciate our Pastors during the month of their birthdays, July, both just days apart instead of appreciating them during our Genesis celebration in November to lessen the burden during the Christmas season.
This years celebration ironically was held at the DryDock Club in Portsmouth, Pastor Crest's home town and it showed. He had family members and friends attend the festivities from all phases of his life, from grade school friends to those who trained with him as Pastors from their home church Holy Light of Deliverance in Portsmouth. Pastor Sharon had family members attend too who are also MTC members.
The night included fellowship, dinner and individuals giving honor and appreciation for the Angels and Shepherds over our souls. We their along to celebrate their labor of love and committment to their congregation. Throughout the entire night I couldn't help but notice that all though the celebration was toward our Pastors, they humbly acknowledge and continue to point the to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, our saviour Jesus. As mere humans we can sometimes tend to forget the real reason for any season, but just like our Pastors, they always serve to remind us and always point to the penalty paid at the cross through His suffering. We MTC members, family and friends praised His holy name, while fellowshipping, enjoying a delicious dinner and acknowledging individually our love and appreciation for our Shepherds.
> Photos!